Calling All Outdoor TV Reviewers?

I’m not sure about you, but I get slammed with people asking about a job in the outdoor industry. Of course, most want something for nothing (you know, there’s that whole “work for it” thing) but others truly have talent in video, or photography and its STILL very hard to break in.

Well, I discovered an easy “job” that most anyone can do from the comfort of their own home – and yet I wonder why no one has thought of this before!!

Its called “Be an outdoor TV reviewer”

Simple, right? All you do is review outdoor TV shows! All day long! From your couch!

Photo courtesy of Robert S. Donovan

Photo courtesy of Robert S. Donovan

I don’t understand why there isn’t someone making a name for him or herself as “THE” reviewer for all outdoor TV. Heck, I would do it except all I would do is review Sportsman Channel shows, and I would give them all 4 star ratings, of course, so that’s not very “neutral.”

There are PLENTY of outdoor bloggers out there reviewing contraptions and products from retailers, which many get for free, so of course there’s a great incentive to do it. Unfortunately, I can’t ship you a free TV, nor can I get you free cable or satellite service…so maybe that’s the kicker in why no one is doing this.

But the notoriety! The invites to all the parties at SHOT Show! You would be famous! You would be loved! (You might be hated, but you know, that comes with the territory)

Here’s how to get started:

1. Create a blog (in WordPress if you want to be smart about it)

2. Start watching all the TV shows on Sportsman Channel (ok, you can watch other channels, but it won’t be as fun)

3. Write a review about it on your blog. Perhaps offer the producer of the show a chance to respond

4. Send it out far and wide.

“But Michelle,” you say, “don’t you need qualifications to review outdoor TV?”

Of course, having some background in TV production and a vast knowledge of outdoor terms/hunts/species would be most beneficial if you want to be taken seriously, but all those TV reviewers in the big papers reviewing “Devious Maids” and “American Idol,” are they production specialists? How long have they worked behind a camera? Or on set? I would question it.

So when you get big, and you are accepting your award at the next outdoor writer’s function or SHOT Show, you just remember the “little people” i.e. me, who made it all possible.

Don’t get off the couch! Start watching more TV!


  1. Will Jenkins on July 11, 2014 at 11:37 am

    I think part of the reason this hasn’t been done is largely every show is telling the same story. Hunter gets in tree, shoots deer, shouts catch phrase, smiles and thanks sponsors. When it boils down to it among the hundreds of shows the only thing that differs between a lot of them is camera angle and catch phrase. Of course some do tell better stories, some have much better camera work and production value but for the most part a lot of them blend together. If I was to review a lot of TV shows I’d feel like I was writing the same review over and over. This is obviously a pretty broad generalization and there are several shows out there doing GREAT work and mixing things up, but in this context you’d have to really look at the whole market to qualify the need and interest. Plus I can’t imagine who would be willing to pay for it or advertise although I’m sure some company may want to. Getting invites to all the events and being ‘in the know’ is awesome but unless you’re willing to dump a bunch of money into it, it makes it hard. I get a lot of invites too but ultimately can’t justify airfare and hotel for the minimal return.

    Obviously there is a massive outdoor TV market or all these shows wouldn’t exist so I don’t mean to poke fun but when it comes to reviewing and talking about them, I’m not sure there is a ton to talk about. Then again, it also leaves the market for creativity largely untapped and there is a lot of room for producers to get creative and tell new stories, tell them differently or do more to stand out.

  2. Michelle on July 11, 2014 at 11:58 am

    I largely agree with you, Will. I mean, at the end of every show, don’t they always get the buck or duck or fish? Some don’t – like Randy Newberg’s premiere episode last week was really about him MISSING an easy shot (he didn’t account for wind). But not many shows will even go there.

    I also think you bring up a good point that IF we had reviewers and IF they all said the same things you just did, WOULD outdoor TV producers change their tune? Would they respond to it? Would they find a better way to tell an outdoor hunting/fishing story? Perhaps these reviewers could be the genesis for change in the outdoor TV viewing world as we know it…

  3. Phillip on July 21, 2014 at 2:48 pm

    I’ve done a few reviews on particularly outstanding shows (outstanding isn’t always “good”), and they do seem to generate some buzz from readers’ comments. I’ve actually thought about doing more… maybe weekly or bi-weekly, but I think I’ve also contemplated the same thing Mr. Jenkins said above… there’s very little to write about, short of specific criticism.

    And truly, someone would have to pay me to get me to watch enough outdoor TV to become a serious critic. I can only take it in smallish doses before it becomes mind-numbing. That said, my current job entails a lot of mind-numbing content and writing, so I’m well suited for the opportunity… should someone make me an offer.

  4. Michelle on July 21, 2014 at 9:49 pm

    Thanks for stopping by Phillip! I agree with you that having a TV reviewer would “push” the industry to strive for more. That A+B doesn’t always have to equal C. Who knows – someone has to stir the pot 🙂

  5. […] site).  Since then I let it sit, either uninspired or unmotivated, until Michelle Scheuermann at the Bulletproof Media blog sounded a general call to quarters for outdoor TV reviewers.  That got me thinking about it again, but since I wasn’t watching […]